Hi. My name is Mary Gillen, and welcome to Learn One Thing. It's all about learning something new every day so you can hone what you know and profitably stay in business. Simple as that. WHAT IS IT? WHO IS IT FOR? WHERE'D YA GET THE IDEA? BACKGROUND: Earned a degree in English from a university in New England. Worked for one corporation in the late 70s for three years. One day I said to myself, "I'd rather live in my car than work for these people one more second," so I quit, and have been self-employed ever since. Risk? Sure. Gotta take 'em. After all, this is your life. There is no excuse for living like a dud. I am a teacher, writer, marketer, and web app developer/tech geek. What a combination. And that's what I can share with all you folks out there in email/rss land. Have owned my own business since 1981, and have supported myself very nicely through my own effort. Why has it worked for 25 years? I have made it a point to constantly learn new things so I could reinvent my business along the way. Being educated is one thing...there are a lot of educated people all over the world. But being a life-long learner is what keeps you young in the head and profitable in business. The key is to keep up what you know so you can continue to contribute something of quality to someone somewhere in the world. In business, it's important we all continue to learn...or, as they say in Maine, "yer dead." EDITORIAL POLICY: Speaking for myself, I only write about the things I think are really helpful to me and all you smart business people out there. In other words, by this time in my life, my BS meter is set pretty high. People send me info about their services and products all the time, but for every 20 we hear about, you'll probably read about only one of that collection. It's all about quality, folks. PRIVACY POLICY: Sure, as time goes on, you may get some blathering from me that you might consider, in the immortal words of my Great Aunt Nora, "a load of crap," but that's the breaks. Or you might hang in there and find a little gem of thinking that can change what you're doing for your greater good. That's one of the mysteries of life and Web content. You never know. Best to you all, Mary Gillen |