Mary Gillen shares more real-world experience on the type of blog content the search engines love.
On April 19 we chatted about keyword research basics.
Using specific keywords in your blog content and RSS feeds can help drive traffic to your Web site because it contributes to better rankings in the search engines.
Take it a step further:
Include keywords when you name the images you post to your blog. Also include keywords in the ALT attribute that appears in the IMG tag that calls the image into the blog page.
Example: Move your cursor over the image of the jumbled letters at the top of this post. The "tool tip" that pops up reads: Learn One Thing from Mary Gillen: Blogging for Business - Part 2. This ALT tag includes keyword phrases: Learn One Thing...Mary Gillen...Blogging for Business.
If you are on a PC, right-mouse click on the image and select Properties. See the image name: bloggingforbusiness.jpg. Keyword phrase once again.
Next week we'll talk more about blogging for business in Part 3. Have a good weekend.