Joshua Porter shares some good writing tips on his blog post Tips for Writing Microcopy:
"I remember the first time I realized how much even the smallest copy can matter in an interface. It was on an e-commerce project at UIE for which I had created a checkout form that asked for billing information. I had coded up a system to notify me when an error occurred (even if people can overcome the error it was very helpful to know when one occurred). I kept getting notifications of billing address turns out that transactions were failing because the address people were entering didn't match the one on their credit card.
So I ended up adding the copy "Be sure to enter the billing address associated with your credit card" at the top of the form. And just like that, the errors went away. It was clear the right copy meant I didn't have to worry about that problem anymore, thus saving support time and increasing revenue on the improved conversion.
Ironically, the smallest bits of copy, microcopy, can have the biggest impact."
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Thanks to Christina Gillen for telling us about Joshua's blog
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