In his article, "Where's the Money, Bob?" Danish author Thomas Baekdal writes:
"The social web is starting to sound more and more like the days. We are in the middle of a transition. The ways we do things are radically different. What works and doesn't work seems new. And many people are getting very excited about numbers, but not the right ones.
Back in 2000, it was all about traffic. Just get a million people to come to your site, and you have made it. Today people say that attention, engagement, interactions or number of fans is the new currency. Just get people's attention and you have made it!
I have this weird sense of deja vu. Haven't we been here before? Didn't people learn anything?
The bottom line is this. Money is still the new currency. I can't buy a cup of coffee just by paying attention to it!"
Read more about "the war against the 'everything must be free' culture, and how it will be 'won by the ones who create something worth paying for.'"
Social Media Marketing Online Class by Mary Gillen - Instructor-led Online Training - April 19-20 | June 14-15