Your site looks great and works without a glitch, but you still can't raise your rankings in the search engines. It's all so confusing. You are not sleeping at night, and if you hear your boss say "this Web stuff doesn't work" one more time, you're gonna scream.
Sound familiar? What do you do?
Search engine optimization is complicated and the rules change constantly, but here are some dev tips that can get you started.
1) Be sure each HTML page on your site has a relevant title. A title is the phrase that appears in the very top banner of a browser window when it loads a Web page. It's important you include keywords in your page title that people use to find links to your products and services in a search engine.
2) & 3) If the words HTML, ASP, .Net, Cold Fusion, PHP and Javascript scare you to death, you're probably not the person who programmed your site. Talk with your developer about breaking apart the upper sections (2 & 3 in the graphic above) of your home page HTML code and program them as includes. An include is a separate file that sits on the server and is included (added to the HTML code) when you load the page in a browser window. Why are includes so important? When a search engine spider/robot visits your site, it only stays about 3 seconds looking for certain content. You want all content such as CSS, Javascript, tables, image calls and other code that contributes to the structure of your design to be placed in these include files. This gives the spider/robot room to find what it needs quickly.
4) Most important: add an <h2> tag with relevant content to your home page. The spider/robots look for this <h2> tag. It grabs that content, plus the
5) text paragraph that immediately follows the closing </h2> tag. It uses that paragraph as a description that will appear in the search results.
6) At the bottom of your home page, be sure to also include text links to all your main section pages. The text link words (the ones that appear blue and underlined) should also include the keywords people use to find you in a search engine. The spider/robot will grab this linked content too, if it is available.
Contact Mary
Don't have time to blog for business? Need to improve your organization's placement in organic search engine results? Contact Mary Gillen and ask about her team's ghost blogging services at